Sebalik Tabir Costum Dada "IRONMAN" Dibuat..

- 01.30
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They’re pouring latex on him to make a false chest.
2The Making of Iron Man’s Arc Reactor
So that they can place the arc reactor prop in him and make it legitimately look like it’s embedded in his flesh.
3The Making of Iron Man’s Arc Reactor
4The Making of Iron Man’s Arc Reactor
The latex is colored so they can see where they are applying and how thick the layers are.

5The Making of Iron Man’s Arc Reactor
It will then be airbrushed to his skintone and details like nipples scar tissue discoloration will be added.
6The Making of Iron Man’s Arc Reactor
Then the reactor prop is added to the dimple. Basically the latex becomes fake skin and they tear part of the center open.
7The Making of Iron Man’s Arc Reactor


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