Brooks Half Marathon

- 05.11
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Venue: Bukit Jalil
Distance: 22.30km
Time: 03:09:03

Tawaf Bukit Jalil
what was suppose to be half marathon, is actually 22.30km run. i was yapping "mana finishing line ni" during the final 1.30km. and finally made it to finishing line, with 600m run inside bukit jalil stadium made me feel like true athlete sukma. kategori larian tak pecut, mungkin. hehe

the run was....tough when it come to the hills. i paced with akzam and afiq for the first 8km. at 9km, comes the hill. another hill at 10km. i ran few steps up the hills and later just walk melenggang kangkung. when i started walking, the rest of the distance i would do run-walk-run-walk tempo. ikut larat and ikut terrain.

no injury, just some blister. next run, haven't registered.

110312: sengeh
i must thank Tey for the photos. good thing i know one of pro runner/photographer. at least i have some decent shot. or...maybe like this also...hehe

040312: World Kidney Run
and as Tey always says...KEEP ON RUNNING!

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