Siapa Superhero Anda Zaman Kanak-Kanak?

- 20.26
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Everybody has a childhood superhero. Back in those day, they wished they had a super power like Spiderman or Superman or any superheroes that you can think of. Come on guys, have you forgotten your favourite superheroes? I know each one of us has a dream superhero deep inside.

I am a bit embarrassed to reveal my favourite superheroes. Ok, dont laugh..Power Rangers is always my favourite. Remember the part where Power Rangers started to fight and then this song came up "go go power rangersssss"..hahaha. Budak lelaki masa kecik-kecik dulu, mesti berebut nak Power Ranger kaler merah."Aku dah chop merah,ko ambil kaler lain la". How wonderful our chilhood was.

I rather smashed my piggy bank and spent it by purchasing a red Ranger Mask with a sword at a night market. And the best part of that we would gather somewhere and acted as Power Rangers' team that desperately trying to save our imaginary world from being invaded by monstrous enemies. Those were the happiest days of my life. 

So, sape superhero korang? Tak kisah la masa korang zaman kanak-kanak ke atau sekarang..habaq mai :)



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