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Cordyceps fungus takes over brain of an ant, then kills it, Peru. Photo credit: Mark Moffett 
Cordyceps fungus on a robberfly
Cordyceps fungus growing on a dead insect. 

Cordyceps unilateralis is a parasitoid fungus that infects ants such as Camponotus leonardi, and alters their behavior in order to ensure the widespread distribution of its spores.
Fly with Cordyceps dipterigena.
Cordyceps fungus growing on a large dead fly. 
Bee parasitized by Cordyceps
Moth with Cordyceps 
Some species, such as the caterpillar fungus, are considered to have medicinal properties in China and Tibet.
Moth with Akanthomyces species (a Cordyceps anamorph).
Moth with Cordyceps fungus in Iwokrama, Guyana.
Cordyceps curculionu. 
A scarabeus digested by a Cordyceps species. 
Carolina Leaf-roller cricket with Cordyceps.

Cordyceps Tarantula
Tarantula, Theraphosinae, killed by the fungus Cordyceps ignota, but still clinging to a tree long after death.
Tarantula killed 
Dead tarantula invaded by a fungus of the genus Cordyceps.
Cordyceps on Spider.
Cordyceps bassiana 

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