At first, I can say that I have doubt finding friends via blog, but after being a blogger for about 6 months, i realize that there is hope in that kind of relationship. Some of my followers are quite chatty and friendly even though we haven't met yet. Some of them also added me on Facebook, exchanged contact number and we have been getting along quite recently.
Sure it is great to meet with bloggers in real life like azham, najihahfara, leeza, hana, fendy, cheida, kak yana, cik intan, eva, miss zahirah, izwan, fifie, haris, cik yuyu, hazanis, syazwan, sha, iiima, nurul, hazwan, ammelia, ky, lokman and others . Selama ni kenal dalam blog je kan..rasanya bila dah jumpa tu rasanya memang meriah. Insha allah, hopefully, there will be a right time for us to meet. Dont worry, drinks are on me :)
Well..blogging is really beyond friendship, friends that I have collected on my dashboard has become part and parcel of my family and I will preserve this relationship until death do us apart. To all my followers, korang memang awesome.
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