Since the day we separated
I forgot to say that I burned your pictures
If I could promise you… I’ve been trying to
I’m losing sleep trying to find you
Why am I doing this?
Does farewell usually end up like this?
The back of my chest hurts so much
I can’t miss you more than I do now
Today I didn’t do anything
Now it’s a sad day because I didn’t see you
Thinking about you, my heart can’t stand it
Today I’m waiting, will you come back to me?
I’m thinking about you
I can’t live a day without you
Even if I take a breath, you’re the only one I want
I can’t live a day without you
My tears flowed down into my chest
I’m saying you’re the one I love
You left me all alone
So I’m covered with tears
In front of you, I tried to pretend it was nothing
I want to go back to when I first met you
Sometimes I shout and shout hundreds of times
That time, time is back
I’m always dreaming about if we could meet again
Swallowing my tears, I know I’m too sad
My heart is filled with you, I keep calling for you
When today goes away it may never come back again
I’m waiting for you
I can’t live a day without you
Even if I take a breath, you’re the only one I want
I can’t live a day without you
My tears filled my heart with sweetness
Happy memories remain in my heart
My heart remembers you
I, how much will I miss you?
I tried to see you, see you again
(Trying to endure it again)
I’m in tears while saying this
I, even today you’re the only one I’m trying to see
You finally noticed my tears
Every morning when I open my eyes
You’re the first one I think about
How could that be easy for you?
Couldn’t you erase me?
Your smile is cleared from your pictures
The more I erased, my heart is…